Emily Pearl


Baby Bruns #2


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Seriously, I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!! I love that as I'm driving around these days I see more and more Christmas decorations every day... I've even pulled out my collection of Christmas CD's and was listening to them at work today (quietly though because people will think that I'm nuts).

So, I saw Meg's new layout and had to go check out where she got hers and fell in love with one myself (thanks for the inspiration Meg!). I cannot wait until we get our first good snow- yeah!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hoping to win...

A new blog layout!

Check out Danielle's blog and enter to win!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wedding Pictures!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the wedding. I posted them all on Facebook if you want to see more (hint, hint Stephanie).

Friday, October 3, 2008

They're Here!!!

Well, actually not here with me at work, but I've been told by my wonderful husband that the professional wedding pictures arrived in the mail today!!! I seriously don't know if I can handle the 3+ hour wait that I now have until I can see them... Check back soon because I'm sure that I'll be posting some of our favorites soon!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A New Look

Figured it was time for a new look... I created the header at scrapblog.com and then just saved my creation as a jpg and inserted it into my header- I'm so computer savvy :) Then I just changed my template on blogger and voila! It's a little too pink for me, but I may still play around with it to get it just right!

And just for fun here's a picture of Ashlynn at her first Cubs game about a month ago!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Picture or Painting...?

So, besides being super-talented at making cakes (see picture of our wedding cake in previous post), my new Mother-In-Law is also a fabulous painter.
Below is a picture of Steve and I that was randomly taken by Kristen at my little graduation party when I graduated from Judson a couple of months after Steve and I started dating. Turns out it has become "the picture" of us!
Steve's mom loved the picture so much that she decided to paint a portrait of it as an engagement gift for Steve and I! Isn't she amazing!

Amanda and I created a video to show at the reception that ended with "the picture" fading into the picture of the portrait- Steve's mom just loved that and was so touched that we did that. Great idea Amanda! (I'd love to post the video out here but it's too big for blogger to post and I have no clue if there is any other way...)

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Wedding - The Cliff Notes Version

Well, I've finally gotten pictures from everyone so here is the Wedding Day in some of my favorite pictures...
At the salon gettin' pretty...

The "Updo Gang"
L-R: Shara, Amanda, My Mom, Me, Becky, and Kristen
Right after this we all enjoyed being quite the spectacle at Chick-Fil-A when we stopped there for lunch!

In my dress, all ready to go!

I was thirsty and all we had in our fridge was beer... :)

Steve and our niece Kelsey who was our flower girl

My mom and Ashlynn- the flower-girl-in-training!
Her bow cracks me up! We have nicknamed it a "tumor bow"

Walkin down the hill to the chapel!

I love this picture!

Kristen and I in the Bride's waiting room right before the ceremony.

The entire wedding party after the ceremony!
L-R: Becky, Shara, Amanda, Kristen, Me, Kelsey, Steve, Randy, Denny, and Ted

Pictures outside the chapel

How cute!

Our BEAUTIFUL cake that Steve's Mom made

The Bride & Groom

Kissin during our first dance :)

Everyone's dancing up a storm!
So, those pretty much capture the whole day. Should be getting the professional pictures here in a few weeks so stay tuned for more!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Day After

Still down here in Tennessee for a couple more nights, but I wanted to post a couple of pictures from the day after the wedding...

Wedding day pictures to come once I get home and can get all of them from everyone...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Final Countdown

6 Days to go... I can't believe that it's almost finally here!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bachelorette Party!!

The Girls at dinner...
Front Row (L-R): Kristen (Matron of Honor), Amanda (Bridesmaid),
Beth (Future Sister-In-Law)
Back Row: Dina (we work together), Shara (Bridesmaid), Me :)

Hmm... a tray of Cool Whip with Gummy Penises

Of course they made me go face first to see how many I could get in a minute... I think I got 8
The "White Sox" underwear from Amanda

My Sippy Cup...

A BJ shot thanks to my sister...


Dancing on the bar...

Me and the Captain posing together

Shara and I

What the???

The end of the night...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Farewell Old Blue...

I had to say goodbye to the first and only car I have ever had on Monday night (I wish i had taken a picture of her, but the only ones I have are of when I hit a deer last year and in the background of some of our shower pictures).

She was so good to me and I will miss her, but it was time to get something that would be better suited for the family that Steve and I want to start. We got an AMAZING deal on my new baby... here is her first picture :)

She is a used 2008 Ford Expedition XLT EL (extra-long) and in her former life she was a rental car for Avis out in Montana. We weren't planning on actually leaving the dealership with anything on Monday night- we just went to check stuff out and maybe test drive some different options, but we couldn't pass up the deal we got on her! Gotta love having a car payment again!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Fiance

Just had to share this picture of Steve opening what looks like a birthday present that he appears to like. It is a Tea Set... and if you look to his right you will see a Corning Ware Cooking Set. Just my opinion, but aren't most young boys into cars and dinosaurs not Tea Sets??? Oh well, I love him anyway!!! One of his favorite shows as a little kid was watching Julia Child cook... so weird! :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Engagement Pictures!!!

Here are some of my favorites... :)