Emily Pearl


Baby Bruns #2


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Proud Parents

Announcing to the blogging world the addition of 22 "children" to our household!!!

Our Aquarium

An Albino Catfish (1 of 2)

Three of the Four Cory Cats (We have one loner who rarely hangs out with the other three)

One of the two Plecostomus' (The sucky fish that eat algae off the sides of the tank)

And our pride and joy- the 4 Angelfish!

We also have 10 Cardinal Tetras that I didn't get any good pictures of yet. We're so proud of our little family!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


So, I just realized that I'm 9 days short of a month since my last post... WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE???

Well... The week after our official engagement I think that my head was in the clouds :)

The week after that... Minneapolis from Monday afternoon until Thursday night and then on Friday morning driving up to Door County for Becky's wedding (it was beautiful). I only took one picture (well, someone else actually took it)...

Then Steve and I spent the rest of the weekend seeing the sights of Door County. We got home on Sunday afternoon in time to hang out with his family for Father's Day. I love that I feel like such a part of his family already!

This week has been spent getting caught up at work and doing some training for my triathlon this weekend- I feel sooo unprepared, but at least it's a shorter one... Yikes!