Emily Pearl


Baby Bruns #2


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Engagement Pictures!!!

Here are some of my favorites... :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Storms and Flower Baskets

So, on Saturday I was out and about getting wedding stuff and by the time I got home we were under a Tornado Warning and being told to take cover now! We don't have a basement here at the apartment so I decided to drive down by Steve's parents who live 3 blocks away from us- Steve was on his way home from work and met me there. As we were watching the storm coverage on tv we saw that the storm was going to miss us by a mile or two to the north so we decided to go outside and see what we could see. Here are some pictures of the storm as it passed by just to our North over Steger and Chicago Heights- we were less than a block from Steve's parents looking out over a corn field.

A possible tornado there in the middle of the screen...

It was the closest that I've ever been to a tornado- scary but also kinda cool! Luckily we all made it through the storm without any problems other than the power being out from 6:30pm until around 3 or 3:30 am... and then again for a few hours on Sunday afternoon...

Then last night (Monday) we decided that our attempt to grow wildflowers in our baskets hanging from our patio just wasn't looking all that nice and that we should re-plant them with something else that looks a lot less like weeds... :)

These are the before shots...

We actually had a couple little blossoms that had just bloomed...

And the after shots... New petunias to replace the weed-looking wildflowers... My mom would have been so proud of me if she had seen me with dirt under all of my nails last night in the midst of the re-planting... I'm becoming so domestic...