Emily Pearl


Baby Bruns #2


Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Eve

My Mom and Mike (aka Bijou Sparkly-Toes and Tinker Bubba-Louie)
Kristen, Keathen, Izzy, and their Baby GIRL!!! (aka The Smicklefigus's- I can't remember their first names)

Steve and I (aka Sparky Spirit-Fingers and Pinky Sparkly-Toes)

Since I finally downloaded the pictures off of my camera to email my mom, I just thought that I would share some pictures from our Christmas Eve at my mom's house and our annual matching pajama tradition complete with elf names compliments of some website I found. Thanks to Steve we officially named the tradition the "Retarded Christmas Pajama Cult". He's not a big fan of the tradition :) Kristen and Keathen announced too on Christmas Eve that they're having a girl!!! They wrapped up a pink bear that they made at Build-A-Bear Workshop and gave it to my mom as a gift- they even had the baby's heartbeat recorded inside the bear so that when you push it's paw you can hear it. Yes, my mom cried!

Well, I'd better go now so that I can enjoy New Year's Eve with Steve and his mom!

1 comment:

AMANDA said...

Yay! Fun Post and Pics! I need to figure out how to work my digital camera...