Announcing to the blogging world the addition of 22 "children" to our household!!!

Our Aquarium

An Albino Catfish (1 of 2)
Three of the Four Cory Cats (We have one loner who rarely hangs out with the other three)
One of the two Plecostomus' (The sucky fish that eat algae off the sides of the tank)
And our pride and joy- the 4 Angelfish!
We also have 10 Cardinal Tetras that I didn't get any good pictures of yet. We're so proud of our little family!
Very cool! I had fish when I was little. But I got tired of cleaning the tank and flushed them down the toilet!
That's why I have Steve- he can do all of the hard work and I can enjoy just watching them. :)
I never thought that I could be excited about fish, but I kinda am. I guess it's just nice to have pets... Steve is allergic to cats, dogs, and who knows what other animals, but not to freshwater fish (he had saltwater fish before, but found out that he is allergic to them or the saltwater). He has said that we will have a dog someday when we have kids- he will just have to figure out how to deal with the allergies then. But for now... Fish it is!
Schnauzers are hypoallergenic. Are you sure he can't tollerate them?!
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