I didn't take very many pictures- we have a new video camera that I used quite a bit and forgot about the old digital camera, but above is a picture of Steve relaxing by the fire while our burgers for lunch cooked and the next picture is of the first of two fish that I caught.
Yes, my fish is that little thing dangling below Steve's hand... BUT, for the record I caught more fish than he did- he only caught one about the same size. So, no fish for dinner, maybe next time!
Other than fishing, we did some hiking in the woods with all of the ticks- we're pretty sure that both of us are tick free at this point! And on the way home we stopped at a Tourist Attraction in Gays, IL (yes that's really the town's name). They have a two-story outhouse that is a fairly well-known landmark.
Now, it's back to work and instead of worrying about ticks I have to fend off the CICADA'S that are taking over our neighborhood!!!
Looks like fun! You had a great site!
Glad we are so far Cicada free!! Those things CREEP me out!!
No Kidding!! I'll have to take some pictures of the Cicada invasion this weekend and post them- they're out in full force in Crete. When we got back from camping and were cleaning up the camper at Steve's parents house Steve noticed them crawling around in the grass. I was wearing flip-flops so needless to say I was staying out of the grass!
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